
Rolling out the Barrels!!!

This is a bookmark for what I need to write about.
  • Partigyles that I've done as of late and why I do them.
  1. RIS for Whiskey Barrel / Mild Ale (tastes really smoky)
  2. Rye Barley Wine / Rye Pale Ale (tastes like orange marmelade and apricots)
  • Year old Sessionable Saison Brett (way better then the new version), but enhanced with a bit of lactic acid.
  • Single Hop IPA experiment - Pacifica Hops (wort brewed at NorthGate)
  • Tasting notes of the 15 month old Belgian Blonde in the Honey Wine Barrel. (We emptied it, and filled it back up!)
  • Video done by Chip Walton of Chop N Brew and Summit and the video he did of the Nordeast Brewers Alliances Barrel Aging Program. (see below, it's pretty awesome)
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